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Illustration: Ein Titelblatt mit EU-Sternen auf blauem Hintergrund. Text: „Rebuilding Credibility in EU Enlargement Policy“ von Marina Vulović.

Rebuilding credibility in EU enlargement policy

Policy paper
The European Union has many candidates for membership. It is currently conducting negotiations with Albania, North Macedonia, Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the accession processes are complicated. The current policy paper on the reform debate analyses the arguments for and against a rapid enlargement of the EU and provides recommendations for policy-makers.

How to build and fund a better EU green industrial policy

This study shows that Europe’s clean tech industry is a bright spot for a continent fretting about its declining competitiveness. It proposes a strategy for the EU to revamp its industrial policies, ensuring the EU does not cede clean tech leadership to China as Trump’s America backtracks from decarbonisation goals.
cover of the future of the eu us trade and technology council

The Future of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council

Will the EU-US Trade and Technology Council shape a resilient future or succumb to geopolitical rifts? This in-depth exploration of scenarios, challenges, and opportunities for transatlantic collaboration on trade, tech, and climate action outlines possible futures.


We declare our full solidarity with Ukraine. We stand by the side of our Ukrainian partners and colleagues, and at the same time also by the side of our partners in Russian civil society who are under harsh state repression.

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