Illustration: Ein Titelblatt mit EU-Sternen auf blauem Hintergrund. Text: „Rebuilding Credibility in EU Enlargement Policy“ von Marina Vulović.
Policy paper

Rebuilding credibility in EU enlargement policy

Impetus for the EU reform debate

English | Deutsch.

The European Union has many candidates for membership. It is currently conducting negotiations with Albania, North Macedonia, Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the accession processes are complicated: Many countries would prefer to become part of the union of states sooner rather than later. At the same time, many member states favour EU structural reform first in order to strengthen the Union's ability to act. The current policy paper on the reform debate analyses the arguments for and against a rapid enlargement of the EU and provides recommendations for policy-makers.

Check out the web dossier "European Union: How Can Reform and Enlargement Succeed?

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2024
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

Executive summary 

  1. Challenges
  2. Political objectives 
  3. Reform proposals and recommendations for action 
  4. Analysing conflicts and potential: A starting point for reform debates 

The author and members of the expert group