European Union

Illustration: Ein Titelblatt mit EU-Sternen auf blauem Hintergrund. Text: „Rebuilding Credibility in EU Enlargement Policy“ von Marina Vulović.

Rebuilding credibility in EU enlargement policy

Policy paper
The European Union has many candidates for membership. It is currently conducting negotiations with Albania, North Macedonia, Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the accession processes are complicated. The current policy paper on the reform debate analyses the arguments for and against a rapid enlargement of the EU and provides recommendations for policy-makers.

Strengthening the EU's global capacity to act

Policy Paper
The EU's reactions to the current challenges in the areas of security and trade policy highlight that a resolute and coherent common European foreign policy depends on the political will of Member States and their willingness to overcome their differences. The aim must be for Europeans to jointly consider their international commitment across different policy areas and act accordingly in a strategic manner. But the institutional reforms of the past have not provided the necessary push forward. In this sense, the recommendations for action in this paper are to be understood primarily as a call to Member States to make better use of the existing scope for action within the EU treaties.

From democratic resilience to democratic security

Based on the 2024 political guidelines and mission letters to the new European Commissioners, the EU’s approach towards democracy seems to have shifted from a focus on democratic resilience towards democratic security. After a thorough examination of the EU’s 2019-2024 democracy agenda, this study presents recommendations for the next legislative cycle.

A democratic approach to EU reform

Policy Paper
This policy paper makes some suggestions as to how reforms could be possible with and without treaty changes and how the EU can preserve its future viability.