“The time is right for a European Association” Interview As rapporteur for the European Parliament, MEP Sergey Lagodinsky has launched an initiative for a European legal framework for associations. With Christine Pütz, he discusses the objectives pursued and what it will take for the initiative to succeed. By Dr. Christine Pütz
EU policies: objectives are not enough Pesticide Atlas 2022 Even though the EU’s pesticide legislation is the most sophisticated, it has failed to achieve a reduction in use. The EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy seeks to change that. Many questions remain. By Clara Bourgin and André Prescher-Spiridon
A lot of “first times:” is Italy going to be the forerunner again? Analysis On 25 September 2022 Italy goes to the polls in an election that is characterized by many “first times.” It is the first time ever that the country votes just after the summer. Moreover, Italy is, for the first time, the country receiving most of the EU’s Next Generation EU budget (around 191 billion euros granted by common bonds). The “how to spend it” is of concern not only to the Italians and Brussels, but to the EU as a whole. By Costanza Hermanin
Challenges for cross-border railways in Europe European Mobility Atlas 2021 The technical problems with international rail in Europe are quite well understood. But are there ways to improve the situation while not challenging the fundamental status quo? Ways where, at the border, some basic changes could improve matters for international railway travellers? By Jon Worth
Governing the future of aerospace, the maritime industry and tourism European Mobility Atlas 2021 After the German federal elections in September 2021, the Greens joined a government coalition with the Social Democrats and the Liberals. MdBs Dr. Anna Christmann and Claudia Müller are respectively the new Federal Government Coordinators of German Aerospace Policy, and for the Maritime Industry and for Tourism. Philipp Cerny and Martin Keim conducted a joint interview to find out more about their priorities and thoughts. By Philipp Cerny and Martin Keim
“The keyword must be greater European capacity for action” Interview Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the German Federal government, talks to Christine Pütz about the results of the "Actually European?! 2022" study and what the citizens expect from Germany’s European policy at this “turning point in history”. By Dr. Anna Lührmann and Dr. Christine Pütz
A new day in Europe but not in Bulgaria! Commentary The EU–Western Balkans Leaders' Meeting concluded more as a win for Putin and his allies than for progressive forces in the Western Balkans. The European Council did not meet the challenge of the moment, writes Simon Ilse. By Simon Ilse
Actually European!? 2022 Executive summary This year's representative survey shows that citizens expect Germany to play a more active role in the EU in this "Zeitenwende". In addition, the study identifies three trends under the impression of the current threats and challenges for Europe. pdf
Actually European!? 2022 | Citizen expectations towards German EU policy at the "Zeitenwende” Summary The most urgent issues facing the European Union following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are energy independence, defense and fighting inflation, according to a representative survey of German citizens. During this "Zeitenwende”, watershed moment, they expect Germany to play a more active role in the EU. By Dr. Christine Pütz and Johannes Hillje
Underscored by the algorithm: AI's impacts on labour and environment Commentary What are the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on human labour and the environment? How do legislative proposals for regulating AI in Europe and Brazil respond to these impacts beyond discussions on surveillance and automated decision-making bias? By José Renato Laranjeira de Pereira and Thiago Guimarães Moraes