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Executive summary

Actually European!? 2022

Citizen Expectations towards German EU Policy at the "Zeitenwende”

Auf Deutsch

Russia's invasion of Ukraine marks a "Zeitenwende", a watershed moment, for Europe as a whole and it demands an adjustment of German European policy specifically. The European Union’s initial reaction to Russia’s war was as fast, substantial and united as never before in the history of the bloc. However, disagreements between the Member States (e.g. on energy embargos) have emerged since then. In this context, this year's Actually European!? study examines how German citizens evaluate the actions of the German government and the EU and what expectations they have of Germany's role in Europe. The long-term study also surveys what Germans perceive to be the country’s role within the EU for the fourth year in a row.

Product details
Date of Publication
May 2022
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung & Das Progressive Zentrum
Number of Pages
Language of publication