
10th Conference on Feminicide/Femicide: Strengthening EU-CELAC cooperation in the struggle against feminicide/femicide

Event report
The aim of the 10th Conference on Feminicide/Femicide 'Not One Woman Less!/Ni Una Menos!' was to  discuss priorities and elaborate concrete project ideas regarding the implementation of the chapter on gender into the EU-CELAC Action Plan which aims to guarantee gender equality, and the protection, enforcement and promotion of women’s rights.

Feminicide: a Global Phenomenon - Feminicidio: un fenómeno global

A new framework for the cooperation between the European Union and Latin America to promote gender equality and eradicate violence against women and feminicide. Nuevo marco para la cooperación entre la unión europea y américa latina para promover la igualdad de género y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres y el feminicidio