The Transatlantic Stress Tests Article During the past seven decades, transatlantic ties have been tested repeatedly. They have included economic conflicts, competition for markets, dealing with armed conflicts and cultural clashes. Europe and the US share both the challenges and the consequences for either success or failure which makes the transatlantic relationship more important now than it has been since the end of the Cold War. By Jackson Janes
The Role of the European Union in Its Neighbourhood and in the World With an unleashed US president seemingly determined to destroy tried and trusted transatlantic ties along with the multilateral order that the United States created together with its Western European allies after WWII, the European Union finds itself more and more on its own. The EU has to (re)define what role it wants to play in a global context and in its neighbourhood. In light of the loss of important military and soft power through Brexit and the ongoing internal crisis characterised by Euroscepticism and right-wing populism, this prospect is uninviting, but urgency and necessity are obvious. In this web dossier, we will focus on three topics: the Western Balkans enlargement strategy; the conflicts in the Middle East (Jerusalem, Syria), the refugee crisis and the transatlantic tug-of-war.
The Role of the European Union in Its Neighbourhood and in the World The EU has to (re)define what role it wants to play in a global context and in its neighbourhood. In this web dossier, we will focus on three topics: the Western Balkans enlargement strategy; the conflicts in the Middle East (Jerusalem, Syria), the refugee crisis and the transatlantic tug-of-war.
The End of the Concept of ‘the West’? Blog The West is more and more divided and global strategic interests are diverging. The impact of the US President on views and transatlantic trust is significant. Protectionism and populism undermine Western relations. By Vessela Tcherneva
The Transatlantic Drift and the Waning of Turkey’s 'Strategic Westernness’ Article NATO and Transatlantic relations have to be redefined in the context of a multispeed Europe and geopolitical tensions and security matters Can a reshaped Euro-American alliance confront Russian provocations and terrorism? And what is Turkey’s strategy? By Soli Özel
The Trump Era or Interregnum? The Changing View of Europe in the United States Trump’s accession to the White House shows that his policy constitutes a turning point in transatlantic relations but also shows certain indices of continuities in American foreign policy of the last decades. By Stephen F. Szabo
The Populist Temptation - Why Populism is no Option for Green Politics in Europe Populism is a growing movement. Democrats need to investigate on its characteristics to come up with counterstrategies. By Klaus Linsenmeier
8th Round of the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations From today on, EU and US officials are meeting in Brussels for a new round of talks.
Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP One of the most central topics of the ongoing negotiations is the removal of so called non-tariff measures (NTMs) through regulatory cooperation. pdf
Dirty Deals The United States and Canadian governments are using ongoing trade talks to push the European Union to allow devastating tar sands unfettered access to its market. pdf