Young Voices from Germany, Greece, Italy and Portugal on the Situation Youth in Their Home Countries, the European Elections and What They Expect from the European Union.
This Policy Brief reflects on the COP19 in Warsaw and on how different scenarios under the EU’s debate on the 2030 climate and energy framework could influence the UNFCCC negotiations.
Le Réseau européen des fondations politiques se donne pour objectif de souligner la nécessité d’adapter la conception du Partenariat de la JAES en ce qui concerne les principaux domaines thématiques et la mise en oeuvre des Partenariats.
The aim of the paper is to highlight the need to adapt Joint Africa-EU Strategy Partnership designs when it comes to thematic core areas and implementation of the Partnership.
The next years are critical for international action on climate change. The current negotiation process, as mandated by the Durban Plan of Action, aims at a new global climate agreement by the year 2015, which will take effect in 2020.