A new Approach to Migration in the Light of Africa-EU Relations


The topic of migration is of critical importance for the Joint Africa-EU Partnership. The EU and the African Union have adopted different

frameworks on migration and mobility. At the EU -Africa Summit held in Brussels in April 2014, heads of state from both continents agreed on a common Declaration on Migration and Mobility in addition to the broader Summit Declaration.

The right policy framework and international cooperation are key for managing migration towards fostered development. However, in order to achieve tangible results and positive trends in migration, a new approach must be explored.

We need an efficient policy framework that reinforces the nexus between development and migration and adapts regulations and legal norms correspondingly. This Policy Paper will provide recommendations for steps towards adopting such a common approach.

It was elaborated by members of the ENoP Working Group on Africa-EU Relations. In order to complement the European perspective, three chapters have been co-authored by African partners. As a contribution to the way ahead, the following aspects of migration in the context of Africa and Europe are addressed in this paper:

• Development and Migration – A new Approach for Africa-EU Relations Post-2015

• Safeguarding the Right to Asylum in Europe

• Labour and Migration

• E nvironmental Migration, Climate Change and the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda

• EU Integration Policy – The Example of Malta

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2014
European Network of Political Foundations
Number of Pages
Language of publication