Sleepless in Europe ─ the Implications of Trump’s Presidential Victory The victory of Donald Trump and the way his election campaign was conducted will have multiple effects on politics in the EU, sleepless nights are already one of them. By Roderick Kefferpütz
The referendum in Hungary: A half-defeat for the government Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán and his ruling party Fidesz failed with their referendum to obstruct the EU’s effort to impose an obligatory quota scheme for the resettlement of refugees. However, they could benefit from this defeat in domestic policies. A commentary. By Kristóf Szombati
The Populist Temptation - Why Populism is no Option for Green Politics in Europe Populism is a growing movement. Democrats need to investigate on its characteristics to come up with counterstrategies. By Klaus Linsenmeier
History Repeats Itself - Backwards to Small, Tribal States Is the EU the cause of the injustices we face? Zygmunt Bauman discusses Brexit and the impact it has on the world. By Zygmunt Bauman and Helena Celestino
How to Deal with Post-Coup Turkey? After the failed coup d'état in July this year the EU has to re-position itself vis à vis post-coup Turkey. Finding a formulation that satisfies the EU and is acceptable to Turkey will not be easy. By Joost Lagendijk
Views from the South – The European Neighbourhood Policy in Lebanon The European Neighbourhood Policy is assessed by its annual Progress Reports. This article aims to complete its findings by interviews with researchers and practitioners from the ground. By Dr. Bente Scheller , Noor Baalbaki and Alisha Molter
Nord Stream II: Shaking hands with the devil The gas pipeline Nord Stream II should double the existing natural gas transport capacity from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea. Juraj Mesík explains why the Kremlin will be the biggest winner of this project. By Juraj Mesík
After Brexit: India's solidarity with Britain and Europe Great Britain has a rich history. Leaving the EU also affects countries that are part of the Commonwealth. India will redefine its economic and political strategy with both the UK and the EU. By C. Raja Mohan
Why EU Institutions Need an Upgrade Does the European Union need a constitution to become more democratic? Can a European constitution help the institutions gain legitimacy and acceptance among Member States and their citizens? By Klaus Linsenmeier
Brexit – a Polish perspective from Warsaw and London With Britain leaving the EU Poland is loosing one of its most important security policy ally. At the same time up to a million polish migrants in Britain are facing an uncertain future as they were already being used as scapegoats in the Brexit campaign. By Małgorzata Kopka