The Ideological Zealots of Brexit Blog British Euroscepticism is not necessarily xenophobic or isolationist but grounds on a feeling of loss of political, economic and legislative sovereignty and the perception of EU supremacy. By James Bartholomeusz
Eurozone Reform: Between Hope and ‘Mission Impossible' Article What would be a successful turning point in the Eurozone’s institutional structure? Shifts in high official positions in the Eurozone administration will introduce new priorities when it comes to safeguard and promote democratic values, overcome economic divergences and (re)build social trust. By Viriato Soromenho-Marques and Ricardo Cabral
A Classic Dilemma: Russia’s Threat to Withdraw from the Council of Europe The Council of Europe secures human rights but Russia has its own understanding of rules and procedures. How to deal with the quirky member in order to preserve without offending? By Tom Casier
EU in Syria: biggest payer of aid but no key-player Article EU is the biggest donor of humanitarian aid to Syria and wants to play a key role in the country’s post-war future and reconstruction once the war is over. The Assad regime, with the support of Russia and Iran, has regained control of 80 % of the country and continues to bomb rebel positions in Idlib in the northwest and Damascus suburbs.
The Transatlantic Drift and the Waning of Turkey’s 'Strategic Westernness’ Article NATO and Transatlantic relations have to be redefined in the context of a multispeed Europe and geopolitical tensions and security matters Can a reshaped Euro-American alliance confront Russian provocations and terrorism? And what is Turkey’s strategy? By Soli Özel
Citizens' rights post-Brexit – the State of Play Blog Negotiations around Brexit are ongoing and many topics remain foggy. Three key issues still have to be solved such as ‘the divorce bill’ – the financial settling of accounts on the part of the British Government, the question regarding the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, as well as the rights of EU citizens post-Brexit. By Jean Lambert
Heading South - Rethinking the Eurozone Study How to redesign the Eurozone in order to enhance its chances of survival? There are many alternatives that can and should be considered. A contribution on how to change the European Union's economic policy. pdf
Capacity Building for the Post-Brexit Generation 60 Years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, Europe is not a pretty sight. But what does the young generation make of all this, in what kind of Europe do they want to live and how do they want to achieve it?
‘Why we’re stuck and how we want to get out of this’ Capacity Building for the Post-Brexit Generation 60 Years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, Europe is not a pretty sight. The UK is leaving the EU; populism and Euroscepticism prevail in many Member States; the days of an ‘ever closer union’ seem to be numbered. The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union invited young Europeans to discuss current challenges.
For a Wider Definition of Feminicide Though there is still no public debate about Feminicide in France, recent legislation has begun to recognize gender-based murder but it is far from a priority for French authorities. By Angela Muller and Anne-Cécile Mailfert