How can the transatlantic exchange help to make energy infrastructure compatible with a transition to a low-carbon energy system? What new opportunities arise from investments in smart energy infrastructure? Which governance options can provide for effective, coherent and democratic energy infrastructure planning and what role can regional cooperation play in this regard?
Energy transitions in Germany and the United States are forcing utilities to increasingly reinvent themselves. Energy expert Susanne Fratzscher takes a look at a number of transformative trends that will push this process and outlines how utilities have begun to adapt to new power market realities on both sides of Atlantic.
This report presents the main arguments that haven been discussed at the Böll Lunch Debateconference 'Fukushima: Four Years Later' (Brussels, March 4 2015).
This report presents the main arguments that haven been discussed at the conference 'From Fukushima to Hinkley: Dismantling the nuclear argument for a sustainable energy future' (London, March 5 2015).
At the top of a spoil heap in Loos-en-Gohelle, participants from the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung’s Green Jobs Tour 2014 reflected on their 7-day journey through Poland, Germany and France.
Where does the French-German tandem go when it comes to renewables cooperation? Where do we stand with regard to energy transition ambition on both sides of the Rhine? These and similar questions have been adressed at a Böll Lunch Debate in the summer, please find here the event report.
La transition énergétique allemande a fait l’objet de nombreux commentaires en France. Entre dénonciation et application sans recul du modèle allemand dans l’Hexagone... Mieux vaut savoir distinguer les mythes de la réalité avant de prendre position !
What can Europe learn from the U.S. to get consumers involved in the electricity market? What should the EU do to unlock the potential of demand side flexibility and deal with concerns about adequate data protection? How should funds, regulations, incentives and measures be designed and implemented to ensure success in promoting energy efficiency? How can market and non-market barriers be identified and overcome to foster energy savings? In what way could 2030 energy efficiency targets help the EU to reduce its emissions in a cost effective way and to increase its energy security and how would this compare to an emissions-only approach? How can transatlantic cooperation help to unlock mitigation opportunities in energy efficiency in the pre-2020 period?