The European Energy Atlas shows a clear alternative: It not only provides a compass on the different energy discussions in different Member States but also reveals how a Europeanization of the energy transition will be the more efficient and cost-effective option for all Europeans.
The EU is still getting to grips with the need to transition to a fully decarbonised economy, the political economy challenges of deep decarbonisation, the need to develop a regime to manage climate risk, and with aligning its own efforts with those of non-state actors such as cities and progressive businesses. How does climate governance fit within the ‘Future of Europe’ process led by the European Commission?
In 2003, the Belgian government decided on a phase-out of its nuclear power fleet by 2025. The policy brief investigates the current Belgian electricity landscape in preparation of this phase-out. In how far is Belgium prepared and ready to fill the gap with renewable energy sources?
Air traffic must become climate neutral and more environmentally friendly. With the publication Aloft – An Inflight Review the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Airbus Group want to provide important insights into the current state of technological developments and the political debate surrounding the sustainable future of flying.
The level of political commitment in the build up to Paris means a deal is very likely. A successful climate agreement will establish an enduring framework within which governments can work together to keep the rise in global temperatures below 2°C.
La lutte contre le changement climatique influence de plus en plus les politiques énergétiques. En effet, réduire la consommation d’énergies fossiles, et la production de dioxyde de carbone associée, est le principal levier de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.
The transformation of economic growth towards a lower dependency on fossil fuels and related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is essential for the feasibility of a successful global climate strategy. A study by DIW Econ.
How can regional cooperation be strengthened within the 2030 governance and how can it help to reach and even exceed the binding EU target of at least 27% renewable energy by 2030?
The G7 summit has set the stage to change global financial structures and align them with climate goals. This Policy Brief discusses how the EU can shape 2015 outcomes and lead on climate finance.