Cargo Bikes: Sustainable and Resilient Transport European Mobility Atlas 2021 Cargo bikes play a big role in avoiding motorised transport of goods. Many European cities operate successful cargo bike subsidy schemes. Commercial use, private ownership, sharing— all forms of cargo bike use are on the rise. By Prof. Dr. Sophia Becker and Arne Behrensen
Cycling Copenhagen: The Making of a Bike-Friendly City European Mobility Atlas 2021 Providing people with the options to safely walk, bike or use public transportation is paramount not only in creating a green and sustainable city, but also a liveable, people-friendly city. By Marianne Weinreich
Road Safety: Wanted - Strategies to Protect the Weakest European Mobility Atlas 2021 Cyclists and pedestrians run a high risk of being killed in road traffic. At national and EU levels, a variety of initiatives aims to protect them better. However, more is needed to ensure effective pedestrian and cyclist safety. By Ellen Townsend and Dudley Curtis
Public and Intermodal Transport: Unite Rural and Urban Areas European Mobility Atlas 2021 The ‘last mile’ is often a key problem in public transport. Smartly planned intermodal intersections and digitalisation offer a range of possibilities to close that gap in the transportation chain—even with solutions for an individual mobility. By Alexandra Medwedeff
The Costs of Transport European Mobility Atlas 2021 Inefficiencies in the transport system are caused by false prices. A high amount of costs is passed from the polluter to the general public. This ‘externalisation’ prevents fair competition in transport and must be changed. By Dr. Thilo Becker
Drive Technology: Charging Ahead European Mobility Atlas 2021 The path going forward is clear: for road vehicles, electricity and alternative fuels will soon replace petrol and diesel. The climate protection potential of this move is high, but some problems still need to be solved along the way. By Stefanie Groll and Dr. Christine Wörlen
Dieselgate: The Scandal has Not Been Solved European Mobility Atlas 2021 Detected five years ago, ‘Dieselgate’ remains partly unsolved, although national governments and the European Commission have offered a wide range of responses. Consumers criticise the scandal-handling by car manufacturers. By Jens Müller
End-Of-Life Vehicles: Final Destination European Mobility Atlas 2021 Increasing mobility and trade as well as the shortening of a vehicle's average life have led to a growing number of vehicles that have reached the end of their useful life in Europe. By Lisa Tostado
The Future of Mobility: On the Road to Integrated Services European Mobility Atlas 2021 Digitalisation has already changed urban micro-mobility. The next step is the development of a single app for all mobility services. By Grégory Merly
European Mobility Atlas 2021 - Text and graphics license terms European Mobility Atlas 2021 All text and graphics of the European Mobility Atlas 2021 are published under a Creative Commons License. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union