European Green Deal

factsheer electricity market design cover

Overview of EU electricity market design: implications of the renewable rollout

The European Commission has proposed a reform in the electricity market design. Both the technical implementation of the reform and the notion that marginal pricing is to blame are contested, and have significant implications with regard to investments in renewable energy sources (RES). This factsheet summarizes the key changes proposed in the reform, whilst focusing on their effects regarding the integration of RES into the European energy system and the flexibility potential required to achieve this integration.
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Ukraine and the European Green Deal

Ukraine was among the first EU neighbours to announce their readiness to contribute to the European Green Deal and a high-level EU-Ukraine dialogue on this topic has already commenced. However, what are the contours of Ukraine’s engagement with the EGD and how will it move forward?
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Atlas Europeo de la Movilidad 2021

El transporte y la movilidad sostenibles son fundamentales para hacer frente a la crisis climática y alcanzar los objetivos del Pacto Verde Europeo. Sin embargo, el transporte hoy representa casi el 30 por ciento de las emisiones de CO₂ dentro de la Unión Europea. ¿Cómo puede la UE reducir sus emisiones de transporte y movilidad al mismo tiempo que conecta a los ciudadanos, crea empleos verdes y lidera la innovación en el sector?