Policy Paper

Shaping the EU's Financial Architecture for the Future

Impetus for the EU reform debate

In English | Auf Deutsch

The European Union faces the enormous challenge of having to achieve the necessary climate targets it has set itself, while at the same time increasing industrial competitiveness and ensuring public services of general interest. This will require considerable financial investment. A sustainable European financial architecture based on three pillars is needed to finance these green-social investments at EU level. It is presented in this policy paper.

Check out the web dossier "European Union: How Can Reform and Enlargement Succeed?

Product details
Date of Publication
July 2024
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


Executive summary 

  1. Challenges 
  2. Political objectives 
  3. Reform proposals to create a sustainable financial architecture for the EU 
    • Adjusting the expenditure structure of the Multiannual Financial Framework 
    • Establishment of a permanent EU investment fund 
    • Introduction of new sustainability-oriented EU own resources
  4. Potential for ambitious further development of the European financial architecture and the role of Germany 

The authors and the members of the expert group