

Soil Atlas 2024

The Soil Atlas 2024 not only highlights the consequences of the global loss of fertile soil, but also shows the potential of sustainable and fair land use for climate protection and biodiversity.
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Atlas Europeu da Mobilidade

A edição portuguesa do Atlas Europeu da Mobilidade 2021 da Fundação Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, em cooperação com a European Green Foundation, analisa os principais factos e números sobre transportes e mobilidade na Europa, contribuindo para os esforços em prol de uma mobilidade sustentável e justa. Os seus capítulos são dedicados a diferentes dimensões e áreas políticas relacionadas com os transportes e a mobilidade: caminhos-de-ferro, ciclismo, digitalização, clima, Covid-19 e muito mais.

Peatland Atlas 2023

The Peatland Atlas 2023 highlights the consequences of the destruction of these unique habitats, but also the potential of wet peatlands for mitigating climate change.

Pesticide Atlas 2022

The Pesticide Atlas raises awareness, provides comprehensive information and fosters nuanced debate around agrochemicals used for pest control. It sheds light on different aspects from scientific research, including the impact of pesticides on soils, waters, biodiversity and health, and highlights alternative models with a more stringent implementation of integrated pest management where synthetic substances are only a last resort option.
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Presente y Futuro de la Movilidad en España

European Mobility Atlas 2021
Este documento es un complemento a la versión en español del “Atlas Europeo de la Movilidad 2021” de la Fundación Heinrich Böll y la Fundación Verde Europea, en cooperación con la Fundación Transición Verde y la Fundació Nous Horitzons.
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Atlas Europeo de la Movilidad 2021

El transporte y la movilidad sostenibles son fundamentales para hacer frente a la crisis climática y alcanzar los objetivos del Pacto Verde Europeo. Sin embargo, el transporte hoy representa casi el 30 por ciento de las emisiones de CO₂ dentro de la Unión Europea. ¿Cómo puede la UE reducir sus emisiones de transporte y movilidad al mismo tiempo que conecta a los ciudadanos, crea empleos verdes y lidera la innovación en el sector?
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Atlante europeo della mobilità 2021

Il trasporto e la mobilità sostenibili sono fondamentali per affrontare la crisi climatica e raggiungere gli obiettivi del Green Deal europeo. Tuttavia, i trasporti oggi rappresentano quasi il 30% delle emissioni di CO₂ all'interno dell'Unione europea. In che modo l'UE può ridurre le emissioni dei trasporti e della mobilità mettendo in contatto i cittadini, creando posti di lavoro verdi e guidando l'innovazione nel settore?
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Meat Atlas 2021

There is hardly any other food that pollutes our environment and the climate as badly as meat. However, no government in the world currently has a concept of how meat consumption and production can be significantly reduced. But if the sector continues to grow as it has up to now, almost 360 million tons of meat will be produced and consumed worldwide in 2030. With ecological effects that are hard to imagine.

European Mobility Atlas 2021

Sustainable transport and mobility are key to tackle the climate crisis and to achieve the targets of the European Green Deal. However, transport today accounts for nearly 30 percent of the CO₂ emissions within the European Union. How can the EU reduce its transport and mobility emissions while connecting citizens, creating green jobs and leading the innovation in the sector?

Sustainable Transport Around Europe

Transport amounts for more than 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Mobility is a key element of the interconnected European Union and its neighbours. Rail is and has been the way to connect Europe sustainably, by night trains and high-speed connections. The sustainable showcase projects have been chosen in order to raise the interest in ‘special’ new mobility projects.