Melih Özsöz was awarded an undergraduate degree from Sabanci University and a graduate degree from Bogaziçi University in Istanbul. He worked at the Economic Development Foundation from 2006 to 2016. His main areas of expertise are Turkey’s EU accession process; political reforms; employment and labour market issues; social policy; education; free movement of persons (with primary focus on visa issue, readmission and irregular migration); economic issues (with primary focus on Turkey-EU Customs Union, TTIP and entrepreneurship); Turkey-EU communication strategy; civil society; development; sustainability. From March 2015 to December 2015, Melih Özsöz worked as Sherpa at C20 Turkey (Civil Society 20). Melih Özsöz is also Co-Founder and Partner at Çöp(m)adam, a pioneering social enterprise in Turkey. He is currently Corporate Affairs Director at DEİK.