Feminist foreign policy
Diversity in political decision-making processes contributes to more successful and sustainable policies and guarantees greater responsiveness to the people’s needs. However, women and marginalised groups still have limited access to the decision-making process, especially in the field of foreign and security policy. Feminist foreign policy offers a new approach by putting human security at its core and aiming at dismantling oppressive and discriminatory power structures, addressing the experiences and needs of all parts of society, especially of the most vulnerable and marginalised groups.

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Guidelines for Feminist Foreign Policy: a foreign policy for all
Societies are more peaceful and prosperous when everyone can play an equal part in political, social and economic life. The German Foreign Service published on 1 March 2023 its guidelines to reach these overall objectives.
Warum wir eine feministische Außenpolitik brauchen (Englische Originalversion) - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung