Green Ideas for the Future of Europe Dossier The dossier covers Green proposals and initiatives and on the key priorities of the European Green Deal, the Future of the EU and the Role of the EU in the world in the context of the German EU Council Presidency from July until December 2020.
Insect Atlas 2020 Atlas The Insect Atlas shows how the colorful world of insects is connected to our agriculture and food. If we were to count them, every person on earth would have around 1.4 billion insects from an estimated 5.5 million different species. The Atlas offers more than 80 graphics on 60 pages about the importance of insects.
Plastic Atlas 2019 Dossier Facts and figures about the world of synthetic polymers show that we need urgent and drastic reductions in plastic production and consumption and regulation at local, national and global level that tackle plastic pollution at the source.
Plastic Atlas 2019: Facts and figures about the world of synthetic polymers Dossier The Plastic Atlas has the hard facts, data and figures to prove that the story of plastic that industry is telling us is a myth. We need urgent and drastic reductions in plastic production and consumption and regulation at the local, national and global level that tackle plastic pollution at the source.
2019 elections: the European Parliament Goes Green! Dossier Upon the European elections in May 2019, the Greens/EFA group has grown significantly in size and holds more seats than ever before in the European Parliament. This dossier aims to give an overview of who they are and what other actors expect from them.
Playing with fire: are the US and Iran risking war? Dossier Iran and the US are at loggerheads again – and not only at diplomatic level. In this dossier, our heads of office and experts report from the flashpoints of the conflict.
Agriculture Atlas 2019 Atlas Set in Brussels since the 1960s, the Common Agricultural Policy is one of the EU’s oldest policies. Despite its extensive funds and regular reforms every seven years, it is poorly attuned to the needs of Europe’s hugely diverse farm sector. Furthermore, goals to minimize and adapt to climate change, protect the environment and promote rural development are poorly served.
About Russia...and not all about football Many Russians are happy about the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Football has the power to unite people and thousands of international visitors are coming into Russia and bringing open-mindedness and vibrancy to a country that has recently been seen as on the road toward isolation. We would like to use the World Cup as a chance to provide more information about Russia. The Moscow office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation has prepared a series of texts and video materials on various topics relevant to Russia.
The Role of the European Union in Its Neighbourhood and in the World With an unleashed US president seemingly determined to destroy tried and trusted transatlantic ties along with the multilateral order that the United States created together with its Western European allies after WWII, the European Union finds itself more and more on its own. The EU has to (re)define what role it wants to play in a global context and in its neighbourhood. In light of the loss of important military and soft power through Brexit and the ongoing internal crisis characterised by Euroscepticism and right-wing populism, this prospect is uninviting, but urgency and necessity are obvious. In this web dossier, we will focus on three topics: the Western Balkans enlargement strategy; the conflicts in the Middle East (Jerusalem, Syria), the refugee crisis and the transatlantic tug-of-war.