Europatriotism – Towards a Politics of the Heart Jacques Delors rightly remarked that 'you don’t fall in love with the common market’. However, how can Europe become (increasingly) our homeland? Dick Pels offers some answers. By Dick Pels
The Kremlin’s doctrine of survival: Forward to the past The Russian personalised power system is showing an amazing capacity to survive – even in an advanced state of decay. By Lilia Shevtsova
First in the class, but not best in the Class – The EU’s Proposal for the 2015 Climate Conference in Paris The European Commission recently released its vision for the global climate change agreement, which is due to be adopted in Paris in December. It is worth noting that the EU is the first negotiating party to present its offer for the Paris agreement. Nevertheless, the extent to which the offer paves the way to an ambitious climate deal in Paris is questionable indeed. By Silvia Brugger
The Council’s Common Position on Weapon Exports (2008) ─ What is it Good For? During his internship, Daniel Lüchow researched on weapon exports. He conducted interviews with Sara Depauw and Nils Duquet both researchers at the Flemish Peace Institute, Kloé Tricot O’Farrell advocacy officer at Saferworld, Frank Slijper researcher at PAX, to Pierre-Arnaud Lotton, chair of the EU Council Working Party on Conventional Arms Exports (COARM) and Tobias Heider advisor to The Greens/European Free Alliance on Security and Defence. Here some of his findings. By Daniel Lüchow
Hungary’s politicians react to the Paris attacks The recent terrorist attacks in Paris evoked strong reactions all around the world. The Hungarian government has reacted with proposals to restrict freedom of speech and by highlighting the problems of immigration. By András Jámbor
La production et la surconsommation de viande industrielle saccagent la planète Montreuil, Bruxelles, le 24 février 2015 – En plein salon de l’Agriculture, les Amis de la Terre Europe et la Fondation Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung publient la version française de « L’Atlas de la viande ». Son constat est sans appel : la production industrielle de viande et de produits laitiers a des effets de plus en plus destructeurs sur les sociétés humaines et l’environnement.
Farewell Putin, viva “illiberal democracy”? Just two weeks after Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin came to visit Budapest on February 17. Still, with his vision of a “work society”, there might be a good chance of Victor Orbán moving closer to Germany. By Kristóf Szombati
Can Assad be a partner in the fight against ISIS? “It must be now clear to western defence chiefs that there is only one credible fighting force on the ground capable of fighting ISIS and that is the Syrian military. The Syrians [i.e. the Syrian regime] have held all the aces up their sleeve…” Such proposals are commonplace in diplomatic circles, but what is new this time is that this view is no longer limited to Assad’s supporters and allies. By Haid Haid
Referendum 'on protecting the family' in Slovakia: Opening a Pandora’s Box On February 7 2015, a referendum on protecting the family to define marriage as a unique union between a man and a woman will be held in Slovakia. The article outlines how slovak parties deal with the referendum as an important institution. By Eva van de Rakt and Grigorij Mesežnikov
Merkel closes the Hungarian loophole On 2 February, Angela Merkel visits Hungary. The German-Hungarian friendship has undergone fundamental changes in the recent past - and the rewriting of Germany’s Russia policy also entails reshaping its ties to Hungary. By Benedek Jávor