Victory of national conservatives in Poland Poland has elected its new government. Not a single left-wing party has made it through the elections. Director Irene Hahn-Fuhr comments the outcome of the Polish parliamentary elections from a European perspective. By Irene Hahn-Fuhr
Victory of national conservatives in Poland Poland has elected its new government. Not a single left-wing party has made it through the elections. Director Irene Hahn-Fuhr comments the outcome of the Polish parliamentary elections from a European perspective. By Irene Hahn-Fuhr
Talking with Assad: an End in Itself? A Response to Phil Gordon Triggered by Russia’s push to turn the military tide in Syria in Assad’s favor, Washington D.C. is currently seeing renewed debates about the need to revise the administration’s Syria policy. Prominent voices, such as former White House Coordinator for the Middle East Phil Gordon, have advocated for striving for a negotiated interim solution in Syria that defers the question of Assad’s fate. Bente Scheller, hbs office director in Lebanon, addresses some of the underlying myths and arguments shaping the current debate.
After the EU Summit: Between Appeasement and Campaign Rhetoric It remains to be seen whether the majority decision on the redistribution of 120,000 refugees was a clever move. In Central Eastern Europe, the voices against the “dictate of the majority” cannot be ignored. By Eva van de Rakt
The Dynamics of the Queer Movement in Turkey The Gezi protests have given new, sustainable boost the LGBTIQ movement in Turkey. The history of the movement, however, the begins at the latest in the beginning of the last century. By Zülfukar Çetin
EU Applauds on Human Rights but Where is its Democracy Support? Without an apporach to democracy support the European Union will loose credibility. By Rebecca Wagner
It’s All or Nothing: How to Make the EU More Democratic, Transparent and Efficient With Europeans slowly waking up to the fact that time is indeed an expensive commodity, all over the continent the question arises: in what exactly are we investing and what kind of new Europe is it that we have bought time for up to now? By Benjamin Zeeb and Daniel Schade
Greek Elections 2015: Quo Vadis, Alexis? Will the Greek crisis return? Will Tsipras be able to stave it off? The road to national dignity is paved with good intentions and even better proclamations. By Eleni Panagiotarea
In Favour of a Solidary EU Refugee Policy A special EU summit of heads of state and government will take place on 23 September. After years of neglect, however, a solidary EU refugee policy cannot be elaborated in summary proceedings and under pressure. A commentary by Eva van de Rakt. By Eva van de Rakt
Europe Must be Strong on Climate Risk at COP21 If the EU is serious about an ambitious agreement at the UN talks in Paris, it must prioritise adaptation and resilience to climate risk in the negotiations, write Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung's Presidents Barbara Unmüßig and Ralf Fücks and E3G's Chief Executive Nick Mabey. By Barbara Unmüßig and Ralf Fücks