
Radioactivity Under the Sand

The Waste From French Nuclear Tests in Algeria

More than half a century ago, France tested its first atomic bombs in the Algerian desert. Jean-Marie Collin from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and Patrice Bouveret from the French Observatoire des Armements on the environmental and political legacy of these tests: a story of post-colonial injustice and radiological irresponsibility - with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as the light at the horizon, as it would ban both the possession and testing of any nuclear device and provide for environmental rehabilitation of contaminated areas.

Product details
Date of Publication
July 2020
Number of Pages
Language of publication
English, French
Table of contents




1. French nuclear test sites

  • The Hamoudia zone for atmospheric nuclear tests: 13 February 1960 – 25 April 1961
  • The In Ekker zone for underground nuclear tests: 7 November 1961 – 16 February 1966

2. Waste under the sand

  • Non-radioactive waste
  • Contaminated material deliberately buried in the sand
  • Nuclear waste from tests and other experiments

3. Environmental and health issues in relation to the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons

  • Positive obligations: Articles 6 and 7
  • Application of Articles 6 and 7 in Algeria
  • Cases of assistance for victims and of environmental remediation among States

