European Union

"The Oranges in Europe taste better"

There are many reasons to migrate: This publication provides a forum for scientists from Pakistan, Somalia and El Salvador, people, who had to flee from Syria, Burundi and Malawi as well as migrants and activists from Niger and Senegal to emphasise how little we know about "causes of migration and flight". 

What’s the Matter with Central Eastern Europe?

Event Report
Authoritarian rules in Hungary and Poland and corruption and criminality in Slovakia and the Czech Republic make Eastern Europe a problem child. What are the reasons behind the worrying developments and what are the main differences and similarities between political trends in Central Eastern and Western Europe? 

Are Things Getting Better in the Eurozone?

Event Report
The Come-Back of Portugal; Greece’s Attempt to Stand on its own Feet again; Macron’s Reform Proposals and Germany’s Lukewarm ResponseThe Come-Back of Portugal; Greece’s Attempt to Stand on its own Feet again; Macron’s Reform Proposals and Germany’s Lukewarm Response