Will Big Tech emerge as the big winner in the coronacrisis? Not so fast. Published: 2 April 2020 Analysis Big technology companies are getting a break from the “techlash,” but this does not mean that the monopolists are permanently off the hook. The crisis has highlighted privacy and security concerns and well as subpar labor standards in the industry. Social media face additional scrutiny for how they deal with COVID-19 related disinformation. By Sabine Muscat
Surveillance: Feminist Perspectives Urgently Required Published: 31 March 2020 Dossier A collection of articles which show different aspects of gender questions in a world of data collection and digital surveillance.
Is Data the New Oil? Examining the Promise of Data for Development Published: 26 March 2020 Commentary The promise of measuring everything and everyone with the help of digital technologies has triggered the interest of the development community as well as governments across the Global South. But in countries like Kenya, the excessive collection or personal data creates risks of monetary and political exploitation, not to mention compounding existing discrimination, without improving the delivery of aid and public services. By Nanjala Nyabola
COVID-19: Tips for a Saner Digital Diet in These Viral Times Published: 4 March 2020 Article A virus riding on another virus. That is how the ‘infodemic’ is raging in online spaces around the outbreak of the novel coronavirus called COVID-19, which has been on just about everyone’s radar since late January 2020. As grave as the quest to manage the respiratory disease and cure those ill with it is not only the challenge of using facts versus fear - but how to create and keep avenues of information that withstand the unrelenting drip of skewed, confused, partially true to totally false information, to racist and prejudiced views, or a cocktail of these. By Johanna Son
Algorithmic Injustice: Mend it or End it Published: 14 February 2020 Comment Computers are often thought of as neutral technology. However, it becomes alarmingly clear that machines learn from training data made up of outdated social norms, values and attitudes towards race and gender. This can have insidious consequences. By Noel Sharkey
Tackling hate speech requires the protection of freedom of expression Published: 17 December 2019 Analysis In a digitalized and increasingly polarised world, questions about how to protect freedom of expression online while curbing hate speech and online abuse, are at the centre of discussions about human rights protection. By Patricia Meléndez
Smart cars, transparent citizens? Published: 26 July 2019 Article More safety, less congestion: Artificial intelligence could revolutionize our mobility. But networking vehicles and infrastructure poses new challenges for IT security and data protection. By Sabine Muscat and Zora Siebert
How Europe's smallest nations are battling Russia's cyberattacks Published: 2 July 2019 Transatlantic Media Fellowship European countries are leading the way in digital security By Jenna McLaughlin
In race for 5G, European companies hope to profit from security doubts over Chinese giant Huawei Published: 12 June 2019 Transatlantic Media Fellowship As the Trump administration puts pressure on Chinese telecom giant Huawei to block its dominance in developing future 5G networks, small European competitors are pitching themselves as more secure alternatives By Jenna McLaughlin
How GDPR Is Driving the US Privacy Legislation Debate Published: 24 May 2019 Article While US companies might dominate the tech industry, the European Union is leading the way on digital rights. By regulating a key part of the global market, the EU has put data protection on the agenda around the world. In the United States, reeling from the realisation that the control of data affords Big Tech enormous economic and political power, politicians from both sides are now calling for reform. By Sabine Muscat