In memory of Frieder Wolf-Buchert Obituary Frieder Wolf-Buchert, our colleague at the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung for many years, has passed away at the age of 66, following serious illness. He built up and led our European Union office, which opened in January 1997. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Free, fair and alive Obituary That was Silke Helfrich’s life, and that is what it will remain. Now we are grieving her, our staff member for many years, our colleague, our friend. We are all shaken that Silke was fatally injured on 10 November. She was torn from this world. Her wonderful work will remain with us and inspire us. We will treasure and promote it. We extend our deep sympathy to her family. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
We pay our respects to Jiřina Šiklová Obituary On 22 May 2021, the Czech sociologist, feminist, former dissident and co-founder of the NGO Gender Studies Jiřina Šiklová passed away at the age of 85. We pay our respects to an impressive woman whose life and work was and remains an inspiration far beyond the Czech Republic. By Dr. Ellen Ueberschär , Adéla Jurečková , Eva van de Rakt and Milan Horáček