Regions for Green Economy The European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament have all repeatedly called for regional cooperation in the context of the 2030 framework on climate and energy and the Energy Union.
"We will always have Taiga, we will always have coal" Commentary For his documentary a finnish filmmaker followed the coaltravel from Kuzbass to Helsinki. His plan: talking to people in the train about climate change. But they didn't want to talk with him. By Anastasia Laukkanen
Coal Atlas 2015: Facts and Figures on a Fossil Fuel Coal does not just kill the climate. In coal mines, terrible working conditions are rife. Accidents are commonplace. Still, EU member states subsidize coal related business with almost 10 billion euros per year. Our dossier with all the articles and infographics from our Coal Atlas.
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Save our Soils! Healthy soils are crucial to human nutrition and the fight against hunger. But worldwide 24 billion tons of fertile soil is lost annually. Barbara Unmüßig calls attention to the growing threat to one of Earth’s most important resources. By Barbara Unmüßig
La production et la surconsommation de viande industrielle saccagent la planète Montreuil, Bruxelles, le 24 février 2015 – En plein salon de l’Agriculture, les Amis de la Terre Europe et la Fondation Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung publient la version française de « L’Atlas de la viande ». Son constat est sans appel : la production industrielle de viande et de produits laitiers a des effets de plus en plus destructeurs sur les sociétés humaines et l’environnement.
The EU 2030 Climate and Energy Framework: What is at Stake for the Global Climate Commentary How will the EU’s 2030 decisions influence the global fight against climate change. By Silvia Brugger
A Common Future in the Eurozone? Dossier Last year we invited 15 young people from the southern member states of the eurozone and from Germany to Brussels in order to discuss the future of their own countries with their peers and EU stakeholders.
Meat Atlas 2014 Atlas This publication sheds light on the impacts of meat and dairy production, and aims to catalyse the debate over the need for better, safer and more sustainable food and farming. Download Please select a file format. pdf epub mobi
From Warsaw To Paris Dossier The next years are critical for international action on climate change. The current negotiation process, as mandated by the Durban Plan of Action, aims at a new global climate agreement by the year 2015, which will take effect in 2020.