Winning the Marathon and the Sprint: Achieving long-term economic policy objectives in an era of short-term responses Paper This article wants to provide food for thought on what a long-term economic policy could look like. In the context of the climate crisis, increasing inequality, the loss of biodiversity and financial instability, the challenge is to craft a strategic approach that can set the course for long-term success. By Jonathan Barth , Jakob Hafele and Adam Tooze
Making the great turnaround work: Preface Preface This publication series aims at contributing to the emergence of a transformative economic thinking, integrating environmental, social, and economic dimensions, after the wreckage of neoliberal economic thought that clearly has reached its date of expiry. It is the product of a collaboration of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, the ZOE Institute for future-fit economies, and Finanzwende Recherche. By Jörg Haas
Sustainable Prosperity in an Uncertain Future: A shared agenda between green growth and degrowth Paper This paper attempts to overcome the polarisation between inclusive green growth and degrowth. The authors suggest that the idea of “post-growth” can serve as a unifying concept and define the pillars of a progressive economic policy agenda that can help Germany, the European Union, and the United States achieve their net-zero ambitions while ensuring prosperity and reducing inequality. By Jonathan Barth and Michael Jacobs
Bulgaria’s CAP Strategic Plan: backsliding on nature and biodiversity Analysis Bulgaria’s CAP Strategic Plan must be corrected in order to be in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, and the EU’s Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies. This article highlights essential changes to be made, from targets and monitoring to measuring coherence and consistency. By Yanka Kazakova and Vyara Stefanova
The climate crisis and the war in Ukraine's common denominator: fossil fuels dependence Commentary The consequences of the war in Ukraine are palpable even in Bratislava, over a thousand kilometres from the border. Ukrainian is heard more often on the streets, cars with Ukrainian number plates are appearing on the roads, the windows of shops and apartments are festooned with Ukrainian flags, and the city is alive with marches and initiatives in support of Ukraine. The only thing that has remained unaffected is the flow of oil and gas from Russia to Slovakia, and our payments for it. By Dorota Osvaldová
Away from Russian gas: Germany and Europe must swap their dependencies on fossil fuels for green energy partnerships Analysis As Germany moves away from Russian energy imports, new dependencies on fossil energies must be avoided. The potential alternative from energy-saving, renewables and European cooperation offers excellent opportunities in the short, medium and long terms. But this will require new, green energy partnerships built on a new foundation of values. By Sascha Müller-Kraenner and Constantin Zerger
Changes “required” to Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan – European Commission Analysis Changes in the CAP strategic Plan submitted by Ireland are “required”, as pointed out in the Observation Letter sent by the European Commission to Ireland. The overall green architecture itself, including eco-schemes especially, needs work, if Ireland is to achieve its environmental targets. There is a distinct lack of ambition, scoring, and incentives for stronger environmental practices. Increasing dairy herd numbers is named directly as making the necessary changes more difficult. That the letter’s language is strident in places is noteworthy. So what is the Commission asking for? And what comes next? Oliver Moore reports. By Oliver Moore
CAP Strategic Plans: Observation Letters under scrutiny Analysis On 31 March 2022, the 19 EU Member States that submitted their CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) by the 1 January 2022 deadline received their awaited Observation Letters. In this article we discuss the implications of the European Commission backtracking on a transparent process and explore the content of Observation Letters that have been partially released. By Mathieu Willard
Böll·Europe Podcast Podcast series Böll·Europe is the podcast of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union office in Brussels, presented by Gail Rego.
Statement on the ban of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Russia Press release By banning the work of German political foundations, the Russian leadership is purposefully trying to block an essential, independent channel of communication between our societies. We deeply regret this further escalation by the Russian authorities. We will maintain contact with all those who are working courageously, creatively, steadfastly and with conviction for a different, peaceful and democratic Russia. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung