Global perspectives on Covid-19 vaccination - Dealing with scarcity: equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines in Colombia E-paper The global Covid-19 pandemic has hit Colombia strongly. This article presents an overview of the vaccination programme in Colombia and some recommendations for international actors to speed up the process and guarantee equitable access to vaccines. pdf
Dealing with scarcity: equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines in Colombia Study The global Covid-19 pandemic has hit Colombia strongly. This article presents an overview of the vaccination programme in Colombia and some recommendations for international actors to speed up the process and guarantee equitable access to vaccines. By Diana Guarnizo Peralta, Johnattan García Ruiz and Diana León
Colombia and SARS-CoV-2: Will the storm pass? Background In Colombia too, public life and the economy have been at a standstill due to the coronavirus pandemic. There is, however, hope that the early measures taken to stem the pandemic will pay off in the medium and long term. The country is currently between hope and fear regarding the measures to ease the social and economic lockdown in place since March. By Florian Huber
A feminist peace in Colombia? Analysis The inclusion of a gender perspective in the Colombia's peace agreement: past, present, and future. By Catalina Ruiz-Navarro
Challenges for the Identification and Prosecution of Feminicides in Colombia Discriminating stereotypes and prejudices from the justice authorities in Colombia as well as the failure to identify feminicides impede truthful records on violence against women. By Diana María Salcedo López
Trade in Raw Materials Between the EU and Latin America In March 2014, parliamentarians from the Euro-Latin America Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) voted in favour of a resolution on “Trade in raw materials between the European Union and Latin America”. The resolution stresses that a transition towards a different model is needed and suggests several practical steps to improve the current situation. By Johanna Sydow