Negotiation matters The EU wanted to exert international pressure to speed up the reduction of carbon emissions in air traffic. However, it failed because its climate policy met with existing conflicts of interest. By Dietmar Bartz
Air travel versus … Experts in Germany and the EU are ascertaining the environmental ranking of different transport modes. By Dietmar Bartz
Technology of the future In the coming decades, new aircraft engines and production methods could make flying more sustainable. “Hybrid flying” using electrical energy has already begun and 3D printing promises higher efficiency and a cleaner production process. By Dietmar Bartz
Editorial for "Aloft - An Inflight Review" Flying is a central component of the globally networked world. At the same time, the environmental impact can no longer be ignored. Air traffic needs to become more environmentally friendly. This is where the cooperation of Airbus Group and the Heinrich Böll Foundation begins, because a climate-friendly flying is a common interest of all. By Ralf Fücks and Tom Enders
Magic numbers: How to meet emissions targets without cutting emissions Aviation is a good example of how emissions reduction targets can be met without cutting emissions. By Barbara Unmüßig , Lili Fuhr and Thomas Fatheuer
The Future of Air Travel The book “Aloft – An Inflight Review” is a joint publication of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Airbus Group. In the following interview Ralf Fücks explains how such a co-operation project came about and what steps need to be taken to make air travel more environmentally friendly.
Nuclear Energy in Europe: yes please?! On the European Commission's Hidden Agenda Contrary to the objective to quit nuclear energy, a recent paper of the European Commission’s DG Research maps out possible nuclear research priorities. An analysis to put the latest developments into perspective. By Kathrin Glastra
What the Paris Agreement means for Climate Policy in the US Commentary In his support of, in and for Paris, President Obama has emerged as the first real “Climate President” of the United States. Nevertheless, whether or not his country and predecessor will remain faithful to this legacy remains uncertain. By Rebecca Bertram
[COP21] COP 21 and the Paris Agreement: A Force Awakened Globally, political leaders are lauding the acceptance of the global and legally binding Paris Agreement on Climate Change at COP 21 as a historical moment. It achieves a goal long believed unattainable. However, judged against the enormity of the challenge and the needs and pressure from people on the ground demanding a global deal anchored in climate justice (“system change, not climate change!”), the Paris Agreement can only be called a collective failure and disappointment. Read a critical assessment by hbs colleagues from around the world. By Lili Fuhr , Liane Schalatek , Maureen Santos , Hans JH Verolme , Dr. Radostina Primova and Damjan Bogunović