Bulgaria’s CAP Strategic Plan: backsliding on nature and biodiversity Analysis Bulgaria’s CAP Strategic Plan must be corrected in order to be in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, and the EU’s Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies. This article highlights essential changes to be made, from targets and monitoring to measuring coherence and consistency. By Yanka Kazakova and Vyara Stefanova
Support to High-Nature-Value Farming in Bulgaria Analysis Bulgaria has lost around 40% of its High Nature Value farmlands since 2007. Rather than having an in-depth analysis of the reasons behind this negative trend, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed deletion of all existing support in breach of the ‘no backsliding principle’ for the CAP Strategic plans. By Yanka Kazakova and Vyara Stefanova
The Bulgarian Presidential Election: A Kafkaesque Scenario Bulgarians worldwide have been called to vote in the national presidential election. For hundreds of Bulgarians in Brussels this turned into a Kafkaesque experience. By Alina Garkova