Manon Besnard, Marcos Buser, Ian Fairlie, Gordon MacKerron, Allison Macfarlane, Eszter Matyas, Yves Marignac, Edvard Sequens, Johan Swahn, and Ben Wealer.

Manon Besnard is a nuclear engineer from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Energie, l’Eau et l’Environnement (ENSE3) at Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, serving since 2014 as nuclear and energy expert with WISE-Paris (World Information Service on Energy), a French non-profit consultancy. Her focus is on nuclear safety and waste management issues. She is a member of permanent advisory expert groups of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) on radiactive waste (GPD) and decommissioning (GPDEM).

Marcos Buser, born 1949, is a geologist and social scientist who has been working in the field of nuclear energy and the disposal of chemotoxic hazardous waste for over 40 years. He managed large waste projects in Switzerland and neighboring countries and worked closely with universities, research institutes, international institutions, government agencies and private engineering firms. Buser was chairman and/or member of expert commissions, such as the EKRA Expert Commission for the Swiss Repository Concept (1999-2002), the Federal Commission for Nuclear Safety (2008-2012) or several expert commissions in the field of the remediation of industrial landfills. He was chairman of the control authority (2000-2013/2014) of the International Research Laboratory Mont Terri for High Level Radioactive Waste and was involved in projects in the field of underground storage/disposal of hazardous chemical-toxic waste in former mines.

Ian Fairlie is an independent consultant on radiation in the environment with degrees in chemistry and radiation biology. His doctoral studies at Imperial College in London and at Princeton University in the US examined the health effects of nuclear waste technologies. Dr Fairlie was Scientific Secretary to the UK Government’s Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters ( Dr Fairlie remains a consultant to IPPNW, environment NGOs, and local governments in several countries.

Allison M. Macfarlane is currently Professor of Science Policy and International Affairs at the George Washington University, Director of the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy at the university’s Elliott School of International Affairs. Dr. Macfarlane served as Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission from July 2012 through December 2014. Dr Macfarlane holds a PhD in geology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a BSc degree in geology from the University of Rochester. She has held fellowships at Radcliffe College, MIT, Stanford, and Harvard Universities. She has been on the faculty at Georgia Tech and George Mason University. From 2010 to 2012 she served on the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, created by the Obama Administration to develop a national strategy for the nation's high-level nuclear waste.

Gordon Mackerron serves as Director of Science and Technology Policy Research at University of Sussex. He served as Director of Sussex Energy Group, SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research), University of Sussex since April 2005, following four years as Associate Director, NERA Economic Consulting, London and an earlier career for over 20 years at SPRU. He is an economist specializing in energy and environmental economics, with degrees in economics from the Universities of Cambridge and Sussex. His academic career has specialized in the economics and policy issues of electricity and especially nuclear power, in which he has published and broadcast widely.

Yves Marignac is the Director of WISE-Paris (World Information Service on Energy), which he entered in 1996 after graduating in Science Information at Orsay / Paris-Sud University. He has provided his expertise to and produced reports for many national and international organizations, academics, NGOs and media on various nuclear and energy issues. From 2006 to 2013 he coordinated the Groupe d’expertise pluraliste sur les mines d’uranium (GEP-Mines). He is a member of the International Panel of Fissile Materials supported by the Princeton University (IPFM), and a member of ASN’s permanent advisory expert groups on reactors (GPR), other facilities (GPU), and pressurized equipments (GPESPN).

Eszter Matyas graduated from Political Science at Central European University and Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE) where she was mainly researching the field of environmental politics. She started her PhD program in environmental sciences at Central European University in September 2019. Her interest in nuclear energy led her to Energiaklub, where she performs the nuclear project management duties. She has published articles on the state of the environment in illiberal democracies and on the Russian influence on nuclear industry. Together with colleagues she has a radio show on environmental issues. She is a member of an investigative journalist team on a mission to reveal the problems of nuclear related issues in Hungary.

Edvard Sequens is the chairman of Calla-Association for the Preservation of the Environment, where he also works as an energy consultant. He holds a degree in automated systems control from the Military Technical University in Liptovský Mikuláš. He has worked on the governmental Independent Expert Commission for Assessing the Energy Needs of the Czech Republic and also as an external consultant to the Ministry of the Environment. He is a member of the Government Sustainable Energy Committee. He contributed to drafting an alternative roadmap for developing the energy industry in the Czech Republic known as Smart Energy.

Johan Swahn is the director of MKG, the Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review. He leads the organisation’s work reviewing the nuclear industry’s application for a permit for a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. He holds a Master of Science in Engineering Physics and a doctorate degree in Science, Technology and Global Security from the Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg. His doctorate and post-doc work focused on the issues of nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear waste and military fissile material disposition. Prior to his present position, he has worked as a researcher and lecturer in the fields of energy, environment and global security at the Chalmers University of Technology.

Ben Wealer is a research associate at the Workgroup for Economic and Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), and guest researcher at DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research) as well as a scholar of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. His field of research is nuclear power economics with a focus on decommissioning, radioactive waste management, nuclear power plant new build, and the dual-use issues of nuclear power. He is a founding member of a research project on nuclear energy in Germany, Europe, and abroad run jointly by TU Berlin and DIW Berlin and the author—among others—of the first German independent decommissioning monitoring survey and since 2018 a contributing author to the World Nuclear Industry Status Report.
