Johanna Sydow heads the International Environmental Policy Division of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Berlin since autumn 2022. Her main expertise lays in resource politics and corporate accountability. She is member of the Resource Commission of the German Environmental Agency
Before she was Senior Advisor for Resource Policy at the NGO Germanwatch (Berlin) since 2014. She has been invited as expert to the German Parliament several times and has published variety of reports, briefing and policy papers. She was also co-founder and chairwomen of the organisation Runder Tisch Reparatur (Round Table Repair) and has moreover worked for the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union office (Brussels), Misereor (Berlin), the University of Sussex (UK) and Universidad Andina (Ecuador). She has also been part of the OECD Expert Group to develop a Practical Tool on Environmental Due Diligence in Minerals Supply Chains. She has conducted field research on the social impact of mining in Ghana, Peru and Ecuador and holds a Master Degree in Environment, Development and Policy from the University of Sussex, UK and a in Sociology from the University of Bielefeld, Germany.