Claudia Paola Lagos Lira, Masters in Gender Studies, professor, has taught in the Institute of Communications and Image - University of Chile, Santiago, since 2004. She teaches primarily graduate-level courses in investigative reporting, freedom of expression and she guides graduate projects. Her research is presently concerned with freedom of expression and access of information, investigative reporting and gender and communication. She is the editor of Agustín’s Newspaper: Five Case Studies on El Mercurio and Human Rights (1973-1990), (LOM Editions, 2009) and author of Abortion in Chile (LOM Editions, 2001). She’s coeditor of A Beating Nation: Manifestation and Latency of Chauvinist Violence (Chilean Network Against Domestic Violence, 2009). She’s Coauthor (with Gloria Alberti, María Teresa Maluenda and Victoria Uranga) of For a Non-sexist Journalism. Guidelines for Communication from a Gender Perspective in Chile (OREALC-UNESCO, Santiago, 2010). She worked in journalism since 1998.