Charlotte Wiedemann is a book author, freelance journalist and recipient of numerous awards. She lives in Berlin. She worked i.a. for Die Zeit, taz, Stern, GEO and Le Monde Diplomatique. Since 2003 she has been a freelance author of foreign reports and books with a focus on “Islamic worlds”. In 2014 she published the book "Mali oder das Ringen um Würde. Meine Reisen in einem verwundeten Land". Wiedemann has been traveling to Mali regularly for research for more than ten years. Other recent publications of Weidemann are "Der neue Iran. Eine Gesellschaft tritt aus dem Schatten" (dtv, 2017) "Von dem Versuch, nicht weiß zu schreiben. Oder: Wie Journalismus unser Weltbild prägt" (Papy Rossa, 2018) and "Viel Militär, weniger Sicherheit. Mali – fünf Jahre nach Beginn der Intervention" (Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 2018).
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