Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Regional Office - New Delhi
Regional Office New Dehli.png

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Regional Office in New Delhi was established in 2002 in New Delhi. Working with governmental and non-governmental local project partners we support India’s democratic governance through informed national and international dialogue processes with a view to enhance the diversity of green thinking.

Our overall approach is to:

  • generate opportunities of sharing, analysing and learning among formations of civil society
  • engaging in independent and critical analysis of societal trends and issues
  • enable dialogue with selected stakeholders, across varied perspectives, sectors and institutions

The mandate of our work in India includes to:

  • support enhanced commitment to democratic processes and social innovation, ecological solutions and sustainable development
  • support, facilitate and contribute to civil society engagement, participation, and intervention
  • provide a forum for open debate and promote dialogue between politics, business, academia, and society
  • support and promote respect for the rule of law and democratic participation
  • ensure that the debates of opinion shapers, decision makers and the general populace reflect comprehensively different perspectives and new assessments of ground realities
  • place gender as a cross-cutting issue in all measures and programmes.



Twitter: @boell_India