The Fundació Nous Horitzons is a non-profit organization linked to Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds. The Foundation mainly carries out its activity in Catalonia, without excluding other actions in the rest. of the State and on a European and international scale. The Foundation was set up on November 9, 1992 and is registered in the Register of Private Foundations of the Generalitat de Catalunya number 678.
The FNH is the heir to the historic magazine of the same name founded in 1960. Like that, our will is to be a space for reflection and training, debate and exchange. At a time of new challenges for progressive and transformative thinking, of paradigm shifts and increasing complexities, the left must be able to respond quickly, while also elaborating a new discourse.
The aim is, therefore, to contribute to the establishment of the foundations of a way of thinking linked to social emancipation, the defense of the environment and gender equality, based on democratic participation and radicalism. The purpose of the Foundation is to disseminate and develop eco-socialism.
In addition, the Nous Horizons Foundation collaborates continuously with the Green European Foundation in the joint organization of seminars, talks, congresses and other activities and is part of its executive management at European level.