Jennifer Cassidy
Departmental Lecturer in Global Governance and Diplomacy at the University of Oxford

Dr. Jennifer A. Cassidy is a Departmental Lecturer in Global Governance and Diplomacy at the University of Oxford. She gained PhD from the University of Oxford, which centered on the evolving topic of Digital Diplomacy. In 2017, Jennifer produced the first edited volume on Gender and Diplomacy: Theory and Practice (Routledge). The volume provides a detailed discussion of the role of women in diplomacy and crafts for its readers a global narrative of understanding relating to their current and historical role within it. Jennifer has also served as a diplomatic attaché to Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Headquarters (United Nations and Head Quarters) and the European External Action Service to the Kingdom of Cambodia. Jennifer regularly provides political commentary to the international media on Brexit, issues of digital diplomacy, and the role of gender in the political and diplomatic sphere.
