Dr Radostina Primova was Head of Climate and Energy programme at the European Union office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Brussels until 2019. She was in charge of the EU external partnerships and international cooperation in the field of climate and sustainable development policies.
Prior to this, she worked as EU Affairs Consultant at Hinicio, specialising in EU sustainable energy projects, in particular in relation to the development of renewable energy, hydrogen storage, certification schemes and energy efficiency technologies. Radostina has also gained professional experience in a number of other institutions, such as the Institute for European Studies (IES) in Brussels, the Department for Federal and European Affairs in the Bremen Senate, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Berlin), and the Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies (CEuS) in Bremen. The focus of her research at the IES has been on parliamentary scrutiny and stakeholder participation mechanisms in EU energy policy-making, in particular in the context of the EU internal energy market development and renewable energy polices. She has also worked as an expert evaluator for the European Commission.
Radostina holds a BA in Integrated European Studies, a MA in Political Science from the University of Bremen and a PhD in Political Sciences from the VUB Brussels.