The Situation of Syrian Refugees in the Neighbouring Countries: What Role Should the European Union Play?

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Lebanon, with a population of around 4.2 million, is currently hosting about 800.000 registered Syrian refugees whereas the total number is expected to increas up to 1 million by the end of this year (not even taking into account the unregistered refugees including minorities, labour migration etc.).

With currently over 200.000 Syrians living in more than 20 refugee camps and approximately more than 500.000 settled in the urban and rural areas, Turkey is the second largest receiver of Syrian refugees. The UNHCR estimates that there will be nearly 1 million Syrian refugees by the end of this year.

Image removed.Conclusions and Policy Recommendations

Image removed. Event Report The Situation of Syrian Refugees in the Neighbouring Countries: What Role Should the European Union Play?

Image removed.Two Years On: Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (Presentation George Ghali)

Image removed.Syrian Refugees in Turkey (Presentation Sema Genel Karaosmanoglu)