
Governing Ecologically

How Germany's Green Party leverages its influence to promote ecological modernisation

Alliance 90/The Green Party are known as the “Party of Ecology”. Protecting the environment runs through its political DNA. In voter surveys, the German Greens regularly come out as the party deemed to have by far the greatest competency in this area and in energy policy as well. But is that justified? Does it make any difference who is in power in a country? This study by Arne Jungjohann tries to answer these questions, as it looks at the subnational level of the federal states.


Product details
Date of Publication
June 2019
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents


1 Introduction

2 Ecological modernisation policies in the Länder
2.1 Ecological modernisation within multi-party competition
2.2 Policy fields of ecological modernisation
2.2.1 Energy policy
2.2.2 Climate policy
2.2.3 Environment and nature conservation policy
2.2.4 Agricultural policy, genetic engineering, animal protection and hunting policy
2.2.5 Transport policy
2.3 Conclusion on ecological modernisation policies in the Länder

3 Comparing ministries of environment between Länder
3.1 Names of ministries of environment
3.2 Size of ministries
3.3 Allocation by political field
3.4 Conclusion on Länder comparison of environment ministries

4 Transport policy in the Länder: cycling policy case study
4.1 Transport and cycling policy
4.2 Cycling policy in Bremen and Baden-Württemberg
4.3 Federal cycling policy
4.4 Cycling policy between (party-)politics and administration
4.5 Conclusion on cycling policy

5 Energy policy at Bund level: 2014 EEG reform case study
5.1 The EEG reform 2014
5.2 The Greens' crunch question: cooperation or opposition?
5.3 Conclusion on EEG reform

6 Conclusion

List of interview partners
List of figures and tables
Tabular overview of studies