How Should We Communicate the COP21 Outcome and What Does it Mean for the EU’s 2016 Agenda?
The level of political commitment in the build up to Paris means a deal is very likely. But, the devil will be in the detail. A successful climate agreement will establish an enduring framework within which governments can work together to keep the rise in global temperatures below 2°C. It will shape the development of the real energy economy in the months and years after Paris with major implications for the EU agenda. A strong outcome in Paris will need to be precise and concise if we are to achieve an enduring regime to manage climate risk in the future. For the EU, 2016 is an important year for its climate and energy agenda, with a range of legislative proposals expected as the implementation of the Energy Union strategy gets further underway. The final Policy Brief of the "From Warsaw to Paris" series discusses how to communicate the COP21 outcome and what the outcomes of Paris mean for the EU’s 2016 climate and energy agenda.