About our namesake: Heinrich Böll

Heinrich Böll passed away on the 16 July 1985. Since that time, much that was part and parcel of the environment in which the Nobel laureate lived and worked have undergone fundamental change. However, the quality that makes Böll’s work transcend contemporary factors and lends it enduring significance was something at the centre of his narrative and essayistic works – namely, the aspiration to act autonomously and develop forms of free, personal commitment that go beyond conventional patterns of thought. Böll viewed freedom, above all, as freedom of the mind. The following texts and documents commemorate the life and work of a great artist and intellectual whose novels, stories, and political interventions retain great currency because of their very distinct character.

Reality is always a bit further afield then the latest news

Heinrich Böll, a renowned German author, achieved bestselling status with his poignant works. In 1972, he made history by becoming the first German writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature after World War II. His novels and stories, still widely studied in schools today, have earned him a place among the literary classics. However, the personal experiences and motivations that shaped Böll's writing remain lesser known. This concise introduction aims to shed light on the life and driving forces behind one of Germany's most influential post-war voices.
Getting involved is the only way to stay relevant.
Heinrich Böll (1917-1985)