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Nuclear factsheet 30 April 2021

Nuclear: not the answer to the climate emergency

The debate in France today on choosing the electricity mix is set against the backdrop of an ageing production infrastructure that is earmarked for replacement. So, what electricity mix is the answer? And does the country need to build new nuclear reactors in order to have decarbonised electricity?
Towards a clean and sustainable energy system.png

Towards a clean and sustainable energy system: 26 criteria nuclear power does not meet

Nuclear energy has been brought back into the European energy debate due to populist power. Currently, a complex debate is taking place within the EU about whether nuclear power should be part of the Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities. To determine whether nuclear energy can, or even should, play a role in future energy policy, it must fulfil basic criteria of sustainability.
Carbon Pricing

Pricing carbon

Both in Germany and internationally, the debate on the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions is experiencing a renaissance. However, an enlightened and realistic discussion of ways and means is needed so that CO2 pricing instruments can play a stronger role in climate policy. In this study, climate and energy expert Felix Chr. Matthes of the Öko-Institut examines the relevant elements of a CO2 pricing strategy. He gives an overview of design criteria and mechanisms of action.  
all European Energy Transition publications


Nuclear power yes please?! Questions on current EU energy & research policy 

Nuclear power yes please?! Questions on current EU energy & research policy - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union

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Renewable Energy - Regional Cooperation Study Tour 

Renewable Energy - Regional Cooperation Study Tour - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union

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The Nuclear Option Against Climate Change? 

The Nuclear Option Against Climate Change? - Réseau Action Climat

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