Dublin Forever - Nothing New for the South Commentary In contrast to many declarations that Italy should not be left to face the challenges of mass boat arrivals from North Africa alone, the New Pact's proposals if anything renew the obsolete “Dublin system”. By Christopher Hein
Poland wants no refugees – NGO’s critical look at the New Pact on Migration and Asylum Commentary Despite its tough public rhetoric, the Polish government might turn out to be more flexible behind closed doors regarding the New Pact, to prevent embarrassing defeats on issues that are far more important from a domestic policy point of view, such as the rule of law. By Joanna Maria Stolarek and Gert Röhrborn
It’s a question of empowerment Portrait We need a feminist Peace- and Security policy! – A discussion with Gitti Henschel and Monika Hauser, as part of our dossier "No Women - No Peace: 20th Anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security". By Ute Scheub
Is Czechia finally ready to show some solidarity? Commentary In Czechia, debates about the EU's New Pact focus only on border protection, return and detention, rather than discussing more relevant proposals on legal migration, integration and inclusion. By Magda Faltová
Migration and asylum policy à la carte: a free hand for the obstructionists Commentary In mid-September 2020, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke out strongly in favour of a human and humane approach to the common EU Asylum Policy. Her lofty promises did not, however, survive very long. By Eva van de Rakt , Anna Schwarz and Zora Siebert
Erik Marquardt MEP: “Migration management has become a euphemism for repelling refugees” Interview On 23 September, the European Commission tabled the “New Pact on Migration and Asylum”. An interview with MEP and migration policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group at the European Parliament, Erik Marquardt, on the future of European asylum and migration. By Eva van de Rakt
No Sound Basis for Solidarity but an Opportunity to Rethink Asylum Commentary Unless conditions in poor countries improve drastically, their citizens will continue to seek a better future elsewhere, even under the pretext of requiring international protection. By Athanasios Koronis
Ongoing Political Incentives but no Responsibility-Sharing for Turkey in the EU’s New Pact Commentary The EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum intends to sustain EU-Turkey partnership with same old political incentives rather than new responsibility-sharing mechanisms. The Pact will thus promote securitisation in the Mediterranean without generating meaningful change. By Birce Demiryontar
Paper doesn’t blush: The Commission presents a plan that does nothing to address the realities at the EU borders Legal analysis With the New Pact on Migration and Asylum the European Commission intends to square the circle – but does not succeed. An analysis from a legal perspective. By Prof. Dr. Nora Markard
Nothing new in the West! Commentary In Tunisia, the EU Migration Pact is received with diplomatic silence from politicians, apathy from the Tunisian authorities and powerless indignation from the civil society. This sobering pact only confirms once again for many Tunisians that the EU migration policy is a one-way affair. By Dr. Mohamed Limem