The Heinrich Böll House Langenbroich Biography In the spirit of Heinrich Böll, the house at Langenbroich offers a workspace for artists who are persecuted or for artists who would else be unable to work creatively - be it for reasons of censorship, civil unrest, or because of their economic situation. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Heinrich Böll: A Brief Biography Biography Heinrich Böll is one of the most important and best-known writers of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as a critical chronicler of Germany’s history at mid-century. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
The Work of Heinrich Böll Biography "Billards at Half-Past Nine," "Group Portrait with Lady," "The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum" and more. Find information here on some of Heinrich Böll's work. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
A Timeline of Heinrich Böll's Life Biography Heinrich Böll was one of the most significant writers in post-war Germany. In this timeline, we remember his life, writing, and political interventions. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
The peace process in Afghanistan: Perceptions of the people Documentation Summary of the online debate „The peace process in Afghanistan: Perceptions of the people“ of 11 November 2020 with representatives of Afghan civil society, Afghan media, the Afghan government delegation to the peace negotiations in Doha and the German Foreign Office. By Jost Palachy
“The EU must not back down now”. Hungary and Poland’s veto of the EU budget Interview Hungary and Poland are blocking the agreement on the new EU budget in a bid to stop EU payments being linked to the principle of the rule of law. In our interview, Piotr Buras of ECFR Warsaw and Lucas Guttenberg of the Jacques Delors Centre at Berlin’s Hertie School urge the EU not to give in at this key point in time. By Dr. Christine Pütz
Statement by European foundations and cultural mediators on the continued imprisonment of Osman Kavala Statement Joint statement by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Goethe Institute, the European Cultural Foundation and the Mercator Foundation to members of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the German Bundestag. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
How to use data for the public interest, even – or especially – in a pandemic Commentary Governments, the private sector and other organizations increasingly collect massive amounts of data, some for the public good, other times not. A consistent framework could ensure data use is both beneficial to the public interest and sufficiently protected against misuse. By Aline Blankertz
Precarious peace – Nagorno-Karabakh after the ceasefire agreement Analysis The new ceasefire agreement negotiated between Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan has grave geopolitical and domestic consequences for the South Caucasus states. Stefan Meister, Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation South Caucasus, explains 10 consequences of the agreement. By Dr. Stefan Meister
Covid-19 tracing apps may see renewed push under Joe Biden Analysis US President-elect Joe Biden is preparing for a long-overdue national effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus. That may include facilitating and promoting widespread use of smartphone-based tracing apps that have been developed and distributed in a state-by-state patchwork. By Gopal Ratnam