Women on the Move: Sustainable Mobility and Gender European Mobility Atlas 2021 Mobility is not gender neutral. This not only pertains to individual mobility, but also to the transport and planning sectors themselves, which are heavily dominated by men. Social stereotypes and role distribution within a predominantly male workforce, as well as care work mostly carried out by females, do the rest to create an environment that is aligned with male needs. By Katja Diehl and Philipp Cerny
10 Years Anne Klein Women’s Award Award Cânân Arın from Istanbul, Turkey, is the tenth recipient of the Anne Klein Women's Award, which honours women who courageously and persistently stand up for human rights, equal rights and sexual self-determination. The lawyer will receive the award in 2021 for her tireless commitment to non-violence, equality and legal security for women and girls. For over 40 years, she has campaigned for women's rights and self-determination. In 1990, Arın was one of the founders of the Mor Çatı (Purple Roof) association and of the first independent women's shelter in Turkey, which was founded in 1995.
reGain Space - The Future is Now! Dossier With the series "reGain Space - The Future is Now!" the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung makes visions, struggles and experiences of African activists visible. We listen to the voices of courageous people who stand up for political participation, human rights, environmental and gender justice in their societies. Read and listen for yourself.
The Myth of Good Plastic Essay Plastic is a material that used to be a symbol of progress and modernity. Now it represents an industry that subordinates everything to profit, even if the world is ruined in the process. By Barbara Unmüßig
Hungary: Pro-government scare tactics to intimidate critical voices amid vaccination rollout Commentary Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the government-sponsored disinformation engine is operating at full capacity in Hungary, scapegoating and intimidating critical voices and triggering death threats against academics and intellectuals. By Anna Frenyó
Reshaping the European Fiscal Framework Joint Letter An open letter sent on Monday 15 February to European Union leaders asking them to review the EU’s economic governance.
European Commission's recommendations to the CAP Strategic Plans: glitters or gold? Commentary While the co-legislators and the trilogue negotiations at EU level continue to derail the future CAP away from the necessary reforms, in December 2020, the European Commission issued EU-wide and 27 country-specific Staff Working Documents providing recommendations directed to the Member States in charge of designing the future National CAP Strategic Plans. By Matteo Metta and Oliver Moore
German Environment Ministry Proposals For CAP Green Architecture Commentary As negotiations on the EU's Common Agricultural Policy reform continue, the preparation of National Strategic Plans at Member State level proceeds in parallel. Recommendations published by the German Ministry for the Environment echo fears that the CAP reform might not align with the environmental ambitions of the European Green Deal. By Hans Wetzels
Feminism in the Corona-Crisis Dossier The call for global feminism is loud in corona-crisis. (Gender)inequalities are more visible, marginalised groups struggle even more than before, support systems are collapsing due to overload. This dossier presents english articles, newstickers and external information on the subject.
Digital Sovereignty - The EU in a Contest for Influence and Leadership Commentary The concept of ‘digital sovereignty’ has become more prevalent over the last few years, although its meaning remains diffuse. Between Chinese techno-authoritarianism and the U.S. model of surveillance capitalism, Europe is heading towards a third way. By Zora Siebert