Digital Markets Act: new rules for fair competition Event recording Panel discussion at the "Visions for a Digital Europe 2025" conference. Intro statement by Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem, Professor University of Hamburg, former Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. Discussion with: Ania Helseth, Strategic Policy Manager - EU Affairs, Facebook, Jeanette Hofmann, Professor Free University of Berlin and Principal Investigator WZB Berlin, Andreas Schwab, Member of the European Parliament. Moderation: Geraldine de Bastion
Climate Action Network: “We know our duty and responsibility” Interview A conversation on civil socirety participation at UN climate negotiations, between Tasneem Essop, Executive Director of Climate Action Network-International and Barbara Unmüßig, President of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. By Barbara Unmüßig and Tasneem Essop
Real ambition vs false solutions: What’s at stake during COP26? Analysis COP26 takes place against the backdrop of nationalist health policies with daunting consequences, failed promises to adequately scale up climate action and financial support, and an unprecedented push for false solutions that divert global attention from the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels. By Erika Lennon , Sébastien Duyck , Francesca Mingrone , Nikki Reisch and Lien Vandamme
EU non-compliance with the Paris Agreement Analysis The European Union has long sought to play a leadership role in the international climate change negotiations. For the time being, however, it is non-compliant with a procedural obligation under the Paris Agreement: to notify the UNFCCC secretariat of the individual emission levels allocated to each Member State. By Christoph Schwarte
Broken Promises - Developed countries fail to keep their 100 billion dollar climate pledge Analysis At COP26 in Glasgow, past failures and shortcomings in climate finance mobilization and delivery must be ruthlessly addressed by presenting an implementation plan for future improvements. By Liane Schalatek
10 things you need to know about hydrogen Listicle The EU and Germany aim to be climate neutral by 2050 and 2045, respectively. The commitment to climate neutrality means that zero-emission alternatives will replace emissions-intensive processes and products. One energy alternative is climate-friendly hydrogen. However, hydrogen is not an all-purpose miracle that solves everything at once. By Stefanie Groll
Little room in France for government manipulation of information Commentary In France, government disinformation is a rare phenomenon and the truth is swiftly revealed, thanks in particular to the work of certain media sources published information. Although it is not widespread, all manipulation has its consequences, gradually increasing the people’s distrust of institutions. By Peggy Corlin
The end of the Babiš era? The Czech Republic between the past and the future Analysis Following the recent parliamentary elections, many Czechs celebrated the opposition parties’ victory over the business magnate and incumbent Prime Minister Andrej Babiš. However, the new center-right governing coalition must be careful not to return to the previous status quo that helped Babiš to power eight years ago. By Adéla Jurečková
Do no harm? How the case of Afghanistan sheds light on the dark practice of biometric intervention Commentary In August 2021, as US military forces exited Afghanistan, the Taliban seized facial recognition systems, highlighting just how a failure to protect people’s privacy can tangibly threaten their physical safety and human rights. Far from being good tools which fell into the wrong hands, the very existence of these systems is part of broader structures of data extraction and exploitation spanning continents and centuries, with a history wrapped up in imperialism, colonialism and control. By Ella Jakubowska
From the roads to the rails: European freight transport and green logistics European Mobility Atlas 2021 For about two decades, the logistics industry has become more serious about sustainability. Although a validated definition of “green logistics” does not yet exist, the reduction of CO2 emissions can be regarded as an important part of the concept. In freight transport, heavy goods vehicles on roads are by far the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, while rail is the smallest. Nevertheless, the shift from road to rail – a central target of EU transport policies – struggles to get off the ground. By Werner Balsen