Big fish in small ponds: China’s subnational diplomacy in Europe Study Largely bypassing EU institutions and national governments, China has steadily expanded its ties at the subnational level. China uses the subnational level to increase its influence, advance its strategic economic and political interests. European subnational actors that hope to benefit from Chinese investments, R&D cooperation, and cultural exchanges also face risks with regard to growing economic dependency, industrial espionage, technology transfer, and increasing political pressure and disinformation. These risks are compounded by Europe’s several weak spots when it comes to subnational relations with China. By Roderick Kefferpütz
CAP beyond the EU | Precision agriculture: for whom precisely? Analysis The development and diffusion of precision agriculture might speed up since fresh money could become available through eco-schemes under the new CAP Strategic Plans. How does the EU support precision agriculture and what does it mean from a global south perspective? This article looks at the case of Rwanda and suggests technological developers and policy makers to proceed with caution to avoid widening inequality between smallholders and commercial farms, privacy breaches or undesired data dependency on tech giants like Google. By Hans Wetzels
The fossil fuel industry has a stake in the majority of known carbon dioxide removal technologies' projects Analysis The fossil fuel industry tries to present carbon dioxide removal technologies as a safe and effective technical solution to climate problems. However, they have not been proven to be safe and effective. Although the technologies have been extensively subsidized and promoted for several decades – with both public and private funding – there has been no significant progress in their development. Many projects have been abandoned due to high costs or technical problems. By Anja Chalmin
Fairer CAP Strategic Plans? A first appraisal of the drafts Event recording This online event was organised to discuss about how the EU Member States are advancing their preparations of the CAP Strategic Plans before their final submission to the European Commission. The main focus is on the fairness elements of the draft plans. Fairness is not limited to the monetary and distributional aspects of direct payments but encompasses a broader set of considerations, such as labour, market organisation, and targeting towards environmental needs.
Declaration on the threat of the dissolution of Memorial Press release Memorial is one of the best-known and most internationally renowned Russian non-government organisations and it has won the Sakharov Prize, the Right Livelihood Award and many other accolades. We object in the strongest possible terms to the politically motivated, manifestly unfounded proceedings against Memorial. The threat of the liquidation of Memorial deals a further, possibly final blow to independent civil society in Russia. By Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Looking for pact-makers: the debate on the deadlocked EU Migration and Asylum Pact Analysis More than a year after the European Commission tabled the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, negotiations are at a standstill, while the number of asylum seekers arriving in the Union is sharply increasing. The Afghan crisis has made apparent the absence of uniform and coordinated responses by EU Member States. By Christopher Hein
COP26 diary #4: A Global North greenwash festival? - Thoughts on communication around COP26 from a first-time attendee COP26 diary COPs are a time of a plethora of announcements, pledges and initiatives by countries, businesses and financial institutes. It is hard to keep up and even harder to distinguish between newsworthy reason for hope and old wine in new bottles. Lisa Tostado reports on the climate “communication nightmare” of welcoming progress while emphasizing the persistent astronomical gap to what would be Paris Agreement-compatible. By Lisa Tostado
Jutta Paulus on COP26: “For leading by example, we must achieve our European Green Deal goals” Interview Lisa Tostado interviewed Green MEP Jutta Paulus her about her expectations and initial assessment concerning this year’s COP26, as well as the on role of the EU and particularly Germany in international climate negotiations. By Lisa Tostado
COP26 diary #3: The most inclusive COP ever? - Thoughts on representation at COP from a first-time attendee COP26 diary COP26 was supposed to be the “most inclusive COP ever”. Lisa Tostado reports on why the promised cannot be considered fulfilled and where inclusion and representation remain an issue to be addressed urgently. By Lisa Tostado
The tragic consequences of EU funding on the environment in Hungary Commentary To avoid further environmental damages due to the use of EU money, the European Commission should suspend funding to the Hungarian government. By András Lukács