In July 2013, the EU and the USA started negotiations the created the biggest global Free Trade agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The TTIP is unprecendented in size and scope. That makes it important for any stakeholder and citizen to understand. With the TTIP-Index we therefore want to broaden the discussion beyond the expert circles. We are providing a resource for anyone intersted in learning more about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to educate themselves, and to create a higher level transparency.
If you have material you think we should include in this index, please get in touch with Nora Weis.
Green Positions
- Greenpeace TTIP Leaks (2016)
- Agricultural and Rural Convention (2015)
- Center for International Environment Law (2015), (2013)
- Corporate Europe Observatory (2015)
- Friends of the Earth Europe (2015)
- Lobbypedia (2015)
- Seattle to Brussels Network (2015)
- Stop TTIP Citizen's Initiative (2015)
- TransAtlantic Consumer Dialogue (2015)
- (Berlin Forum on Global Politics (2015)
- Brot für die Welt (2014)
- Finance Watch (2014)
- Global Policy Forum (2014)
- The Globalist (2014)
- SOLIDAR (2014)
- Open Letter (2013)
- Sierra Club (2013)
- Deutscher Kulturrat (2013)
- UnFAIRhandelbar (2013)
- Consumer Federation of America (2012)
- Humane Society International (2012)
- Transatlantic Animal Welfare Council (2012)
- European Trade Union Confederation (2015), (2013)
- European Trade Union Institute (2015)
- European Federation of Public Service Unions (2015)
- American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (2014), (2013)
- German Association of Trade Unions (2014), (2013)
- IndustriALL (2014)
- International Labour Organization (2013)
- Alliance for Responsible Commerce (2015)
- Bunderverband der Deutschen Industrie (2015 I), (2015 II)
- BusinessEurope (2015), (2012)
- Trans-Atlantic Business Council (2015)
- British American Business British (2014)
- European Business Alliance for TTIP (2014)
- European Engineering Industries (2013)
- FoodDrinkEurope (2013)
- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee (2012)
- American Chamber of Commerce (2012)
- Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (2012)
- Association of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (2012)
- Business Roundtable (2012)
- Confederation of Dutch Industry (2012)
- Transatlantic Industry Contribution (2012)
- US and EU Automotive Industries (2012)
- US Chamber of Commerce (2012)
- European Commission's negotiating text (2015)
- Directorate-General for Trade's Focus (2015)
- Lead Negotiators (2015)
- Q&A by the European Commission (2015)
- European Commission's position on financial services regulation (2014)
- Information on the EU-TTIP advisory group (2014)
- Background information by the European Commission (2013)
- Directorate-General Internal Policies of the Union on the legal implications of TTIP for the Acquis (2013)
- European Commission's impact assessment (2013)
- European Commission's position on ISDS (2013)
- Final Report of the high-level Working Group on Jobs and Growth (2013)
- Information on the European Commission's civil society dialogue on TTIP (2013)
- Internal position papers by the European Commission (2013)
- Leaked European Commission's negotiation mandate (2013)
The relatives of TTIP: CETA and TiSA
Currently the EU does not only negotiate on TTIP, but as well on other trade agreements that will have serious consequences for the EU and its citizens. Learn here more about the two most important EU trade deals, next to TTIP.
What is CETA about?
The EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), that has been negotiated between the Canadian Government and the EU Commission, aims at the harmonisation of standards, the opening of markets and the protection of investors. As the two parties agreed on a final text in September 2014, the implementation depends on the approval of the Council and the European Parliament and most probably the 28 EU Member States.
- Directorate-General for Trade's Focus (2015)
- Government of Canada (2015)
- Corporate Europe Observatory (2014)
- NGO alliance on EU trade agreements (2014)
What is TiSA about?
The Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) aims at the liberalisation of the trade in services and is currently negotiated in Geneva by 23 members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), including the EU. The involved parties promote the opening of national markets to foreign investors and the realignment of rules in areas such as licensing, financial services, telecoms, e-commerce, maritime transport and others. Yet, there is no deadline to the end of the negotiations.
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung North America organised a webinar regarding TTIP, additionally, the foundation's HQ compiled a dossier (in German).
The Promises and Perils of TTIP for Food and Agriculture
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung North America and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy organised a webinar on the TTIP's potential impacts on agriculture in the U.S. and EU.
The Promises and Perils of Proposed US-EU Trade Deal for Food and Agriculture - Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy